Postal codes for Ogorodnaa Ulica, Tulun Gorod, Irkutskaa Oblast', Russia
No results found.
Postal code: 665252
FIAS database information
Postal code: | 665252 |
Formal name: | Ogorodnaa |
Official name: | Ogorodnaa |
Global unique address object identifier: | 8e9232d0-622b-4631-bbce-612621f647b1 |
Address object level: | 7 |
Code of the object of administrative and territorial division (OKATO): | 25432000000 |
Municipal Code (OKTMO): | 25732000 |
Area code: | 000 |
KLADR code: | 38000010000017551 |
KLADR code without a sign of relevance: | 380000100000175 |
City code: | 010 |
Record status: | 51 |
Record validity date: | Thu, 25 Sep 2003 00:00:00 +0000 |
IFNS FL code: | 3816 |
IFNS UL Code: | 3816 |
Record identifier from followed historical record: | c40e4eb1-4a16-49a6-bf77-60328e614e9d |
Record action status: | 42 |
Parent object identifier: | 869c2c69-e8cd-43ae-9596-e0be50c0fcfe |
Record identifier from previous historical record: | 4627b0de-2581-4370-8c4f-d89293099efc |
Region code: | 38 |
Short name: | ul |
Record start date: | Thu, 25 Sep 2003 00:00:00 +0000 |
Street code: | 0175 |
Update date: | Sun, 19 Nov 2017 00:00:00 +0000 |
Intracity area code: | 000 |
Additional address forming element code: | 0000 |
Subordinate additional address forming element code: | 000 |
Regulatory Document: | 6cc5d6e5-2cc0-4f80-95b7-be974479888a |
Plancode: | 0000 |