Postal code 671406, HORINSK, BURATIA RESPUBLIKA, Russia - Russia postal codes list PostalDB
Postal code of the postal object in accordance with the current indexing system: | 671406 |
Name of postal service: | HORINSK-POS 6 |
Type of postal service: | PEREDVIZNOE OS |
Index of the postal communication object superior in the hierarchy of subordination: | 671429 |
Name of the region, territory, republic in which the postal service is located: | BURATIA RESPUBLIKA |
Name of the area in which the postal service is located: | HORINSKIJ RAJON |
Name of the settlement in which the postal service is located: | HORINSK |
Date of updating information about the object of mail service: | 20031103 |
Post office "ХОРИНСК-ПОС 6"
Post office address: | resp. Buratia r-n Horinskij s. Horinsk ul. Lenina dom 33 |
Federal Postal Office: | UFPS RESPUBLIKI BURATIA |
Post office name: | HORINSK POCTAMT |
Alternative Post office name: | HORINSK-POS 6 |
Post office class: | 5 |
Post office type: | POPS |
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- Полевой стан Местность
- Булагай Добо Территория
- Толгой Ара Территория
- Цыцыктуева Улица
Post office ХОРИНСК ПОЧТАМТ on map - resp. Buratia r-n Horinskij s. Horinsk ul. Lenina dom 33, Russia
Post office ХОРИНСК-ПОС 6 located on респ. Бурятия р-н Хоринский с. Хоринск ул. Ленина дом 33